Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Landscaping Plans

Our plans for this summer(?)... since we didn't have a spring... is some front landscaping and small privacy fence.

Here are my concept sketches!

UK Games

Family Time

Just a random collection of photos :)

James looking cute like always...

William had a Fall dance and he was all kinds of handsome!

James is silly!

Chasidy's 18th birthday

Chasidy got her permit!

The boys hanging out in my car!

What's with the peace symbols? It's like we're back in the 70s...

A little family dinner out with Kellie & Lia

Silly morning snuggles

Flea market weekend! 

Silly boys!

Teaching girls to SHOOT GUNS! WOOhooooo

Jimmy at a doctor's visit.

Yes, he's in pajamas.

No, he does not care. :P

James before coffee lol

Mommy & Boys breakfast at IHOP :)

Silly photo bomber in the back

Lia playing with ferns at Lowe's lol

William made a collage for his class about his family!

I shall interpret...

"I love my family. I am lucky because I love my family a lot and I am lucky because I am rich of family"

This silly monkey with some lemonade

Easter Egg hunt!

James said he wanted the top down...

But he doesn't like the wind.... LOL!!

Arts Night at the school

Pet Expo

We wore Rosalie OUT!

Another family dinner out... our favorite Mexican restaurant!!

Playground visits are fun!

James and a random rabbit on my bed!

And at THROWING AXES for a team building event with work. It was interesting!